Основні праці: |
- Polyanska A. Determinats of competitive development of industrial enterprises [Детерминанты конкурентного развития промышленных предприятий] (2013). Konkurencyjnosc podmiotow gospodarczyh i jej determinanty, Katowice, pp. 139-151.
- Polyanska A. Human resources training and development in a company: realities and perspectives (2014), Матеріали LXXIX Міжнародної науково-практичної конференції "Isalation and unification vector in the social development coordinate system". (21 march – 26 march, 2014 р.), London: IASHE, 2014, pp. 59-61.
- Polyanska, A. Malynka O. Knowledge management as basis of modern development of the companies (2014), Journal of Eastern European and Central Asian, www.ieeca.org/journal.
- Polyanska, A. Social responsibility as an enterprise’s development factor (2015), Економічний часопис ХХІ: науковий журнал, № 3-4 (1), pp. 51-54.
- Polyanska А., Kushlyk О. (2016). The connection of strategic and operation activity in achieving of enterprise’s effectiveness, Economic Processes Management, № 1, http://epm.fem.sumdu.edu.ua/2016_1_1/?lang=uk .
- Polyanska A. Principles of international partnership at the gas industry, East. Analitic-Information journal [Схід. Аналітично-інформаційний журнал], 2017, № 2, pp. 14-27.
- Polyanska A., Drabik I. The effect of globalization factors on the selection of management technologies (2017). Economics, Entrepreneurship, Management, Vol. 4, No. 2, pp. 59-68.
- Polyanska A. Startup environment as the tool of innovative activity development (2017), Scientific Letters of Academic Society of Michal Baludansky, Košice, No 5-5a, pp. 98-102.
- Polyanska A., Savka J. Investment component of planning the development of domestic electric power enterprises. (2018). «SEPIKE» JUNIOR. Frankfurt, Deutschland; Poitiers, France; Los Angeles, USA, pp. 166-169.
- I Р Kinash , L M Arkhypova , A S Polyanska , O G Dzoba , U Y Andrusiv and Iu I Iuras. (2019). Economic evaluation of tourism infrastructure development in Ukraine, Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering.
- olyanska A., Psiuk R. (2019) Cognitive Methods of Manager Behavior Formation in the Conditions of International Enterprise Activities. In: Hamrol A., Grabowska M., Maletic D., Woll R. (eds) Advances in Manufacturing II. Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering. Springer, Cham, pp. 194-206.
- Ivanna Zapukhliaka, Yaroslav Zaiachukb , Alla Polyanska and Iryna Kinash. (2019). Applying fuzzy logic to assessment of enterprise readiness for changes . Management Science Letters, 9, pp. 2277–2290 https://www.researchgate.net/
- Polyanska, A., Zapukhliak, I & Oksana, D. (2019). Culture of organization in conditions of changes as an ability of efficient transformations: the case of gas transportation companies in Ukraine Oeconomia Copernicana, 10(3), 561–580.
- Polyanska, A., Shyroka Khr., (2019) Resource approach to management enterprises in the conditions of knowledge economy MIND JOURNAL 7/2019 https://mindjournal.wseh.pl