Mykola Vorobyov

Academic Status: 

Mykola Vorobyov is the author of over 160 scientific and methodical works. These include 4 monographs, 1 scientific and technical review, 30 patents for inventions device 76 scientific articles, including 6 foreign, 1 textbook and 9 tutorial.

Mykola Vorobiov initiated a new research direction: the theory of the mechanisms with closed energy flow, which allows to reasonably create saving energy and material machines. Under his supervision it is performed 11 of self-supporting works for boiler welding plant №63, Carpathpressmash, Kolomyiasilmash, Avtolyvmash "Geofizprylad" and Yasynuvativskoho machine works and 2 of the budget with funding sources from the Ministry of Education of Ukraine.