Grudz Volodymyr Yaroslavovych

Academic Status: 

Scientific directions of researches:  - optimization of gas transportation systems maintenance;

                                                         - developing models of gas transportation systems operation;

                                                         - development and improvement of techniques and technologies of gas transportation systems repair and reconstruction;

Volodymyr Yaroslavovych was born 20 April 1947 in the town Boryslav Lviv region (former Drogobych region) in a family of oilman Yaroslav Hrudz.

After graduating in 1965, Vladimir Hrudz passed exams to Ivano-Frankivsk Institute of Oil and Gas and began studying at the Gas Department. Volodymyr Hrudz studied well. He had a special penchant for science. Inhabiting a hostel, Boryslaver often helped colleagues in preparation and delivery of examinations in mathematics, physics, hydraulics etc. He was friendly to many students, was especially friendly with classmate Bogdan Budzulyak that takes a high position in the management of the petroleum and energy complex of the Russian Federation (board member of OJSC "Gazprom", Head of Transport, underground storage and delivering of gas, Professor of Russian state University of Oil and Gas named after IM Gubkin). Volodymyr Hrudz Bogdan Budzulyak were the soul of the company in students surrounding, loved the different jokes, funny jokes, always knew how to defuse the situation.

His first work related to oil and gas transportation systems Hrudz V.Y. written in 1969, still a student. It was his master thesis. Since that moment the gas transportation system was the meaning of his professional activities.

Since 1970, after graduation to talented student was offered to stay at the institute and continue his education in graduate school. So Volodymyr Hrudz stayed in Ivano-Frankivsk, married, had a son, who was named Yaroslav.

In 1981 Volodymyr Hrudz prepared a thesis on "The efficacy of using cleaning devices in pipelines with complicated profile" which successfully defended in the Moscow Institute of Petrochemical and Gas Industry named after Gubkin. Higher Attestation Commission (HAC) USSR awarded him the degree of Candidate of Technical Sciences.

In 1984 for the successful student learning and research activities Volodymyr Hrudz awarded the rank of associate professor.

After that stands the creative and pedagogical work. Till 1996 was prepared and successfully defended doctoral thesis on "Development of methods of gas transportation systems diagnosing which operated in transient modes and improvement their maintenance " – specialty 05.15.13 - "Construction and operation of gas and oil pipelines and storage facilities"

            For effective scientific work and training for students and young scientists Scientific Council of Ivano-Frankivsk State Technical University in 1997  Volodymyr Hrudz awarded the academic title - professor of transportation and storage of oil and gas.

In 1997, Volodymyr Hrudz won the second prize by Ukrainian Oil and Gas Academy for the monograph "Management mode of gas transportation systems". He was awarded honorary award from "Naftogaz of Ukraine".

Since 1997 Hrudz V. corresponding member of Ukrainian Oil and Gas Academy and a member of the Academy of Mining Sciences of Ukraine, and since 1998 member of Ukrainian Oil and Gas Academy.

In 1998 Hrudza V. appointed head of the department "Construction and operation of gas and oil pipelines and storage facilities".

Significant achievements in the scientific and pedagogical fields of studying Hrudz Volodymyr Yaroslavovych are highly appreciated in Ukraine. In 2006, Professor Hrudz V. for collective work "Development and implementation of highly efficient technology for extraction and supply to improve energy security" was awarded the honorary title "Laureate of the State Prize of Ukraine in Science and Technology 2006" (Decree of the President of Ukraine Victor Yushchenko number 1103 / 2006 from 20.12.2006 year).

In 2009 Professor Hrudz V. as ordered head of Ivano-Frankivsk Regional State Administration and head of the regional council for significant personal contribution to science diploma awarded "Famous Scientist of the Year".

Volodymyr Yaroslavovych created a scientific school "Optimization of gas transportation systems maintenance", represented by works of graduate and doctoral students. One of them defended his thesis for the degree of Doctor of Science, 11 got a degree of candidate of technical sciences.

Professor Hrudz V. is a member of the editorial board of three scientific journals, is a chairman of Specialized Scientific Council of the thesis defense, specialty "Pipeline transportation, oil and gas storage facilities".

Professor Hrudz V. lectures the subject "Pump and compressor stations," manages courses and master's thesis, practices, conducts classes with students of Postgraduate Institute on the profile and specialty training courses.

Hrudz Volodymyr Yaroslavovych - a famous scientist in the field of Oil and Gas Engeneering, author and co-author of over 200 scientific papers, including 7 monographs, 10 industrial methods, 12 patents for inventions. Volodymyr Yaroslavovych has prepared one doctorate and 11 candidates of technical sciences.

One of the most important scientific achievements of Vladimir Yaroslav is a range of his monographs:

1. Грудз В. Я., Тимків Д. Ф., Михалків В. Б., Костів В. В. Обслуговування і ремонт газопроводів: монографія. – Івано-Франківськ: Лілея–НВ, 2009 – 712 c.

2. Грудз В. Я., Грудз Я.В., Костів В. В., Михалків В. Б., Тараєвський О. С., Тимків Д. Ф.  Технічна діагностика трубопровідних систем: монографія. – Івано-Франківськ: Лілея–НВ, 2012 – 512 c.

3. Ковалко М. П., Грудз В. Я., Михалків В. Б., Тимків Д. Ф., Шлапак Л. С., Ковалко О. М. Трубопровідний транспорт газу: монографія. – К.: Агенство з раціонального використання енергії та екології, 2002 – 600 c.

4. Грудз В. Я., Крижанівський Є. І., Гончарук М. І., Козлов А. В., Кондрат Р. М., Мислюк М. А., Разумний Ю. Т., Рибчич І. Й., Фик І. М. Енергетична безпека держави: високоефективні технології видобування, постачання і використання природного газу: монографія. К.: Інтерпрес ЛТД, 2006 – 282 с.

5. Грудз В. Я., Грудз Я.В., Костів В. В., Михалків В. Б., Михалків О. В., Тимків Д. Ф.  Автомобільні газо-наповнювальні компресорні станції. – Івано-Франківськ: Лілея–НВ, 2012 – 320 c.