On May 16-18,2017 the VIthInternational scientific and technical conference "Oil and Gas Power Engineering – 2017" was held in the Ivano-Frankivsk National Technical University of Oil and Gas. The conference was an important step in a series of events to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the founding of the University. In his welcome speech, the Chairman of the organizing Committee, rector, academician of NAS of Ukraine, Professor Ye. Kryzhanivskyi noted that petroleum engineering is a branch of science that explores and develops scientific bases of the improvement of technology and techniques of production, transportation and use of energy, which is especially topical for Ukraine at this time.
This large-scale event was possible thanks to the organizational and sponsorship support of the leaders of the domestic oil and gas industry – companies "Ukrnafta", DTEK, Ukrtransgaz, Ukrtransnafta,international projects – 7 Сарасіties, Innovereast and the Ministry of education and science of Ukraine. The conference was attended by over 350 representatives of the educational and research establishments and the oil and gas industry of Ukraine, as well as guests from Norway, Austria, Italy, Germany, Hungary, Algeria, Azerbaijan, Poland, Armenia, Belarus, Greece, Croatia, Iraq and other countries.
An international matchmaking event Innovation4EnergyEfficiency in the framework of the project InnoverEAST (7th framework Programme for research and innovation)has becomethe first event of the VIthInternational scientific and technical conference "Oil and Gas Power Engineering – 2017", which took place on the basis of the Scientific city "New Energy". The event aims to provide an opportunity for representatives of scientific and business communities to establish direct business contacts in the sphere of transfer of technologies for energy efficiency, renewable energy and environmental conservation. Participants from 15 countries also talked about specific designs using specialized software b2match (Austria). According to the Head of the International Relations Department of IFNTUOG Artur Voronych, high scientific potential of the University in the field of energy efficient technologies has created the preconditions for carrying out the contact-cooperation exchange within the project InnoverEAST, which was held in Ukraine for the first time. IFNTUOG has shown its capabilities and prospects in the development and implementation of advanced energy efficient technologies, which gave the University the right to become a platformforestablishing the contacts among the international scientific community for further cooperation, exchange of experience and joint implementation of ideas.
Конференція триватиме до 19 травня. Відділ інформації та зв’язків з громадськістю інформуватиме про подальші заходи, які відбуватимуться у рамках конференції. Інформація оновлюється.