Energy efficiency in homes and technologies - the core direction of the III International Scientific and Technical Conference in Kielce

The Third International Scientific and Technical Conference "Pressing Problems of Renewable Energy, Construction and Environmental Engineering" was successfully hosted by the  Kielce University of Technology (Poland) in collaboration with the University of Zagreb (Croatia), the University of Zilina (Slovakia), the Koszalin University of Technology (Poland), National Technical University of Ukraine «Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute». The conference was organized by the Department of Renewable Energy, Energy Efficient Buildings and Engineering Networks (ECM, headed by Prof. Anatolii Pavlenko) of the Ivano-Frankivsk National Technical University of Oil and Gas. The conference was mainly focused on energy efficiency in homes and technologies.

86 scientists from 28 universities of Poland, Ukraine, Slovakia, the Czech Republic, Croatia, and Sweden took part in the scientific forum. The conference was presented in 6 sections:

Renewable energy

Thermal physics of buildings

Environmental engineering



Modern GIS.

Among the important issues disussed in the framework of the conference there were problems of simulation of heat and power equipment as well as technologies based on the use of renewable and alternative energy sources; generation, transmission and efficient and ecological use of various types of energy; energy audit and energy saving; monitoring energy consumption of objects of different purposes; energy management; heat and gas supply, ventilation, heating and air conditioning of buildings and structures of various purposes; providing comfortable conditions in buildings and structures with the involvement of secondary and renewable energy sources (solar energy, wind energy, heat of exhaust air, soil, water, air, etc.).
