Awarding diplomas to international students

On July 6, 2016 the Ivano-Frankivsk National Technical University of Oil and Gas held diploma awarding ceremony for international graduates of the university.

This year more than 150 graduates from different countries received their diplomas and got their lucky tickets to the future, becoming a certified bachelors in the field of petroleum engineering, oil and gas geology and geophysics, economics, philology, and information technologies. Several students were singled out by the university officials for their exceptional skills and their participation in university activities. Some students were also awarded certificates for special achievements in the study of the Ukrainian language.

During the period of studies the university professors assisted students in both their studies and their life in Ukraine and also helped to become valued professionals, who would be in demand not only in their countries, but all over the world. They all became friends with their Ukrainian groupmates, and refer to Ukraine as their 'second homeland'. Students themselves created the unforgettable atmosphere at the ceremony. On their part, the graduates thanked all the professors for the skills they acquired as well as for their kindness and friendly attitude. Some of students spoke in the language which is now like a mother tongue to them – Ukrainian. The audience warmly responded to their speeches.

Moreover, during the graduation ceremony, the new graduates heard some parting words from their professors and university administration. The graduates also surprised the audience by performing their native songs and dances.

The graduates thanked their tutors, teachers, the Centre of International Integration of Higher Education for all the help, patience and efforts undertaken to help them adapt to living and studying in Ukraine throughout the whole period of their studies. They hope that their compatriots will follow their steps and will study at our university where they will have a choice from engineering and technical, economic and humanitarian specialties available at IFNTUOG.
