General Information

Additional Information: 

  Institute for In-Service Training is one of the leading structural departments of the university which provides refresher courses and advanced training for senior executives and specialists. Following the decision of Academic Council of the 29th of August, 2001 the Institute was established on the basis of the existing at that time School of In-Service Training.

 Institute for In-Service Training is a scientific-methodical, managerial, academic research department that is created for practical implementation of the concept of higher multi-level engineering/technical education and continuous professional training for all basic specialties of the university.

 Institute for In-Service Training includes academic and methodical sectors, laboratory of computer arrangement of publications and drilling training centre. Other university units including schools, departments, offices and service agencies are not structural parts of the Institute, but coordinate their activities with the administration of the Institute concerning such matters as refresher courses and advanced training, personnel certification, short-term training courses, activity planning, organization of training process, financing and accounting.

  The Institute for In-Service Training runs its activity on the basis of the  University Statute in accordance with the current legislation of Ukraine on Education and other regulatory legal acts of the state.

Objectives of the Institute for In-Service Training in the Current Context

  • Organization and carrying out of the activity-specific training process: refresher courses and advanced training, personnel certification, short-term training courses;
  • Coordination of departments activities concerning organization and providing of high quality training process;
  • selection and engagement of highly qualified teaching staff in the training process, promotion of the professional development of the university personnel;
  • implementation of new educational technologies into the training process, including distance learning technologies;
  • improvement of contractual work with key customers of educational services of the Institute, research and analysis of industrial enterprises needs for refresher courses, advanced training and personnel certification;
  • systematic revision and improvement of the programs of advanced training, focus areas and subjects matters of the short-term seminars and courses;
  • providing assistance for the major departments in preparation and publishing of educational materials;
  • study and analysis of the international market of educational services, expansion of service delivery to foreign citizens and organizations;
  • participation in the international certification of the specialists of oil and gas industry.