Ivano-Frankivsk National Technical University of Oil and Gas
LLC "Geosynthesis Engineering"
TThe productive activity of LLC “Geosynthesis engineering” is concentrated on the scientific research, development and field supervision of using drilling mud and completion fluids.
LLC “Geosynthesis engineering” is unique in Ukraine, because of producing and using in practice own circulation fluids and doesn’t repeat the foreign recipes. In their activity they based on experience and theoretic achievements, built up in famous scientific centers such as Ukrainian Oil and Gas Research Institute and Poltava Department Research Geological Institute.
This approach allows using efficiently the most recent foreign scientific achievements and considering many years of drilling experience in Ukraine. Consequently, they succeed in creating drilling fluid systems, which in normal conditions are not worse than foreign prototypes, but in solving difficult problems often turn out to be even more efficient. In addition, those fluid systems are cheaper; more adapted to particular geological conditions and particular technological processes, and do not require special equipment. Besides, the usage of domestic components in circulation fluids provides quick react on the difficulties, successful solution and prevents next stages of problems.
Geosynthesis engineering uses:
- a wide range of recipes of circulation fluids for drilling in different geological conditions;
- modern materials and chemicals that provide good technological achievements;
- reservoir drill-in fluids, fluids for drilling horizontal and inclined wells, special fluids for completion and temporary blocking of wells.
Geosynthesis engineering is equipped in accordance with the CIS and API standards. Their highly qualified specialists participated in creation of circulation fluid services in Ukraine. Their names are closely linked to achievements of such famous enterprises as LLC “SPE “Zond” and JSC “Research and Design Company for Drilling Equipment”. The application of our suggested technological solutions in industry, based on usage of the newest circulation fluid systems, allows reducing significantly the period of well drilling. It also helps to increase the quality of drilling and reduce the amount of emergencies.