Cooperation between Ukraine and the Kingdom of Norway gets new impetus for development

First scientific and practical symposium "Norwegian-Ukrainian cooperation: Achievements and Prospects in Education and Research" was held in the Ternopil National Economic University on September 15-17, 2015.  

Among the representatives of the IFNTUOG there were: Vice-rector for scientific and pedagogical work, social and economic development Oleh Dzoba, Director of the Institute of Petroleum Economics and Management Liliana Horal, Head of the Department of Finance Iryna Fadieieva, and doctoral student Sviatoslav Kis.            

Project "Ukraine-Norway" the implementation of which started in 2014 aims at retraining of military personnel, retired members, and their families as well as social adaptation of this layer of population and their integration into the regional economy. This training contributes to the problem of unemployment solving, reduces social tension in the region, helps to start business. 

During the symposium, the participants shared their achievements and best practices, successes and victories, which they gained within the project "Ukraine-Norway". Scientists discussed plans and prospects for further cooperation.

Учасники симпозіуму Роботу симпозіуму відкривають військовий аташе Королівства Норвегія, капітан 2-го рангу Ханс Петтер Мідттун та ректор Тернопільського національного економічного університету професор Крисоватий Андрій Ігорович Військовий аташе Королівства Норвегія, капітан 2-го рангу Ханс Петтер Мідттун Святковий концерт для учасників симпозіуму Учасники симпозіуму
