Study visit to Stockholm in the framework of TEMPUS 543966 "Higher Engineering Education for environmentally sustainable industrial development"

Between 17 and 21 March 2014 at the Royal Institute of Technology (Stockholm, Sweden)

, the first stage of the study visits within the framework of TEMPUS 543966 Higher Engineering Education for environmentally sustainable industrial development (Higher engineering training for environmentally sustainable industrial development).

Ukraine was represented by National Metallurgical Academy of Ukraine ( National Coordinator ), Ivano- Frankivsk National Technical University of Oil and Gas , Donetsk National Technical University and the National University Rig . Unfortunately , given the current political situation, no visit was attended by representatives of the Sevastopol National Technical University.

The purpose of the visit was to examine current approaches to the implementation of elements of the concept sustainable development into the curriculum of higher education in Ukraine . Through intensive program, participants managed to Ukrainian thoroughly acquainted with the very concept of sustainable development, the experience of its use in various projects in energy, urban development, agricultural industry , transportation and more.

It should be noted participated in the international conference " Partnership for innovation and socio- economic impact : entrepreneurial university " , organized by the European Commission at the Royal Institute of Technology ( KTH ). Representatives of Ukrainian universities listened high level executives - President Peter Hudmundsona KTN , Director General of the Directorate for Education and Culture of the European Commission Tryshchynskoho John , Mayor of Stockholm Sten Nordin and many others. Equally thorough and interesting report appeared representatives of existing school leaders , who are recognized leaders in innovation - the Technical University of Munich (Germany ), University of Illinois (USA ), University of Tartu ( Estonia), the Technical University of Eindhoven (the Netherlands ).

By most reports concluded that the rapid changes in society, technology and the economy namely universities become centers of innovation development at national and regional level. To fulfill this role , along with providing a high level of educational services to universities should have a clearly developed strategy for sustainable development , continuously updated management personnel , to invent ways of stimulating innovation and entrepreneurship.


During the study tour managed to strike up many new contacts for new projects in education , science and innovation.

Reference. Project partners from EU member states other than the grant recipient is Catholic University of Leuven (Belgium), Buckinghamshire New University (UK ), University of Granada (Spain), Royal Institute of Technology (Sweden) and company Kars Volvo Ghent (Belgium). National Coordinator of the project is the National Metallurgical Academy of Ukraine (Kiev) , Donetsk National Technical University, Sevastopol National Technical University , Rig National University, SE " ENERGOSTAL " ( Kharkiv) , Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine and IFNTUOG . Its goal is to improve the matching of higher engineering education in Ukraine challenges of present and future industrial transformation, aimed at the well-established development and stabilization of climate.


From IFNTUOG the visit was attended by Director of Research Institute NHEiE dots.Karpash MO and Associate kaf.TDM dots.Tatsakovych NL 

In March-May 2014 also includes follow-up visits to partner universities in Spain, Britain and Belgium.

