Rector of IFNTUOG was bestowed the title of Honorary Consul of Krakiw AGH University of Science and Technology

On December 12, 2014 the Rector of IFNTUOG Yevstakhii Kryzhanivskyi was bestowed the title of Honorary Consul of Krakiw AGH University of Science and Technology (Akademia Górniczo-Hutnicza im. Stanisława Staszica – AGH). At the ceremonial meeting of the AGH Senate Rector of the university Professor Tadeush Slomka presented Professor Kryzhanivskyi the Honorary Consul regalia - diploma and the Statue of St. Barbara, the patroness of Krakiw AGH University of Science and Technology (Akademia Górniczo-Hutnicza im. Stanisława Staszica – AGH). The сeremony was held in the events hall of the AGH. All members of the Senate, Consul General of Ukraine in Krakiw Vitalii Maksymenko, IFNTUOG delegation and the Rectro's wife were present at the ceremony. 

The title of "Honorary Consul " can be granted to persons associated with AGH, whose work contributed to the development and promotion of the educational institution in accordance with Article 71, paragraph 5, of the Statute of the Academy. Rector of IFNTUOG Yevstakhii Kryzhanivskyi made a significant contribution to the history of the Krakiw university. More than 10 years ago at the initiative of prof. Kryzhanivskyi the first agreement between the Ivano-Frankivsk National Technical University of Oil and Gas and Krakiw AGH University of Science and Technology (Akademia Górniczo-Hutnicza im. Stanisława Staszica – AGH) was signed which have birth to the successful cooperation between the two universities. The cooperation between universities resulted in significant achievements in research and education, hundreds of Ukrainian specialists received diplomas of European standard and got employment opportunities not only in Ukraine but also in Europe.

Due to the agreements made between IFNTUOG and AGH over 100 students of 13 majors of IFNTUOG study in the Polish university in accordance with the dual diploma program. More than 100 students of the Krakow Academy undertake summer internship in the IFNTUOG each summer. In the future we plan to expand the range of international cooperation between Ukrainian and Polish universities through joint participation in international projects, research, exchange of students and doctoral students.

    Ректор AGH проф. Тадеуш Сломка та декан Факультету буріння нафти і газу проф. Анджей Гонет вручають регалії почесного консула проф. Євстахію Крижанівському  Промова почесного консула AGH проф. Євстахія Крижанівського на засіданні Сенату AGH
