Professors of Krakiw AGH University of Science and Technology (Akademia Górniczo-Hutnicza im. Stanisława Staszica – AGH) visit IFNTUOG

In late February Professors of Krakiw AGH University of Science and Technology (Akademia Górniczo-Hutnicza im. Stanisława Staszica – AGH) - Deputy Dean of the Faculty of Mining, Surveying and Environmental Engineering Professor Tomasz Lipecki and Deputy Deans of the Faculty of Geology, Geophysics, and Environmental Protection Lucyna Natkaniec-Nowak, and Professor Ewa Kmiecik visited IFNTUOG.

During the week Polish professors have been conducting lectures, graduation paper consultations, as well as additional training to improve the level of the Polish language proficiency of students participating in the Master's program of dual diplomas. Classes were conducted for students majoring in "Geology", "Geophysics", "Ecology", "Geodesy", "Land Management and Cadastre", "Evaluation of land and property."

In particular, the professors presented their higher education institution for students of the 4th year of study that in the near future will be subject to competitive selection for training in Krakiw AGH University of Science and Technology.

Students tried to take this opportunity to clarify as much as possible with the professor of their profile, because this year there will be some changes in the conditions of the Master's program. According to the signed agreements, unlike previous years, since 2015, students will have to defend their graduation papers in Poland in the presence of the Examining Board of Krakiw AGH University of Science and Technology.

Vice-rector for scientific and academic affairs, Professor Oleh Mandryk Deputy Dean of the Faculty of Mining, Surveying and Environmental Engineering of Krakiw AGH University of Science and Technology Professor Tomasz Lipecki Deputy Dean of the Faculty of Geology, Geophysics, and Environmental Protection Lucyna Natkaniec-Nowak Зліва-направо - заступник декана факультету геології, геофізики та охорони середовища Краківської гірничо-металургійної академії ім. С. Сташіца проф. Єва Кмецік, директор інституту геології та геофізики проф. Валерій Омельченко, проректор з науково-педагогічної роботи проф. Олег Мандрик, заступник декана факультету геодезії та охорони середовища Краківскої гірничо-металургійної академії проф. Томаш Ліпецький та заступник декана факультету геології, геофізики та ОНС проф. Люцина Натканєц-Новак Polish Professors with their Ukrainian counterparts
