Parliament of Ukraine adopted the Law on Higher Education

The bill ( Reg. № 1187-2) proposed a new law "On Higher Education ", which is supposed to determine:

  • principles and ways of realization of state policy in the field of higher education; levels and degrees of higher education;
  • authorities in the field of higher education and their powers;
  • governing bodies of higher education institutions, their powers; educational activities and standards of higher education, licensing procedure universities and accreditation of professions , the principles of the Unified State electronic database on education ;

It also assumes vnormuvaty question formation and activities of the National Agency for Higher Education institutions and independent assessment and quality assurance ; identify the objectives , legal status, type , structure, the establishment, reorganization and liquidation of higher educational institutions, foundations, forms of organization and members of the educational process in higher education , their rights and responsibilities; conditions for admission to the higher educational institutions; financial and economic relations in higher education; resolve the issue of international cooperation and control in this area.

