Matriculation ceremony 2015-2016

Matriculation ceremony in the Ivano-Frankivsk National Technical University of Oil and Gas

On the 1st of September, in spite of hot weather, the theatrized matriculation ceremony took place on the stadium of the Ivano Frankivsk national technical university of oil and gas and gathered a lot of students, their parents, professors, teachers, honoured guests and graduates of different years.

Western Ukraine is the center of the European petroleum industry. The industrial production of oil and gas in this region began in the 19th century. That’s why the university founded in 1967 (national - since 2001) in Ivano-Frankivsk, aims at training specialists in oil and gas industry. Near 500 000 graduates implement all significant projects in oil and gas industry, i.e. creation of the largest gas-transport system in the world, designing and building of long-distance pipelines, working in oil fields in Ukraine, western Siberia and other regions in different countries.

Today, our graduates solve one of the most important and urgent problems – provision of energy security of the country. Energy security in this country is our goal. A way to achieve it is to get the qualitative education provided by the university, which is the pledge of success of both, the whole country struggling for independence and personal and professional development of our graduates.

Today more then 10 000 students of full-time, part-time and distance learning study at the university and its three colleges. There are almost 600 international students from 36 countries of the world. Almost 1000 teachers support the educational process: 104 Doctors of Science, Professors, 442 Candidates of Science, and Associate Professors with 20 laureates of state prize in science and technology among them.

The specialist training in 24 majors of 32 fields of study is provided. University also grants scientific degree in 25 fields of study and higher doctorate in 11 fields of study. The university welcomes everyone who wants to continue his/her education.

The program of university aims at granting the university the status of the «research» one.

University has 17 scientific schools, 28 research laboratories, scientific training center, 3 scientific research centers, scientific-educational center «Shale gas», and the «Power efficient technologies in systems of production, transportation and storage of gas» center.

The students’ society of petroleum engineers, which in May 2014 held an international petroleum congress of students and young specialists named «Energy balance in future. Technologies and decisions», also successfully operates in the university.

Professional training and certification according to the international standards are held in thе University Drilling Simulation Center for specialists from Ukraine and other countries. The international certificates are recognized in all countries.

 The participation in student competitions and contests is one of the ways to scientific progress.  47 students of the university took part in the second round of the Ukrainian international competition in 2014. 12 of them became the winners.  According to the results of the competition the students of the university took 3 team prizes.

The geological museum, one of the best museums in Ukraine, which was granted the status of "national treasure" functions at the premises of the university.

The best students receive scholarships of the President of Ukraine, the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine scholarship, the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine scholarship and other scholarships.

The university diploma gained recognition abroad, because of our graduates who work in the well-known companies in the Netherlands, United Kingdom, France, Kuwait and other countries.

In some groups, the study is carried out in English.

Also, the University created the National Contact Point with the EU Framework Programme for Research and Technological Development Horizon 2020 "Clean and efficient energy", and science park "Effective technology." The results of the research are published in national and foreign journals.  The University is the founder of nine (9) scientific journals, one of which is published in English.

Cooperation with educational and research institutions in Europe and the world is established.  In particular, 5 projects are implemented according to the European program «TEMPUS IV». 3 projects are financed by the European Union under the international cooperation grants program Hungary - Slovakia  -  Romania - Ukraine and one project is financed according to the Seventh Framework Programme.

The University keeps up with the times: the basic principles of the Bologna Declaration are successfully implemented, distance learning center functions, and  new learning technologies are applied. The rating system of knowledge control, which is a component of credit-modular system, improves the quality of teaching.

The University carries out the international activities within the International Association Programme for the exchange of students of technical specialties, and is also a member of the International Association of economic students. Each year students have traineeships in schools and enterprises in Europe.

A minute of silence in memory of the university students Andrii Proshak and  Roman Zozulia, who fell on the field of battle on the eastern borders of our country in the struggle for independence, proceeded the celebretion.

After raising the national flag accompanied by the sounds of the anthem of Ukraine freshmen solemnly took an oath of allegiance to the university.

In his speech, Rector of the University, Commander of the “Order of Merit", the academician of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Honored Worker of Science of Ukraine, Laureate of State Prize of Ukraine in Science and Technology, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor Yevstakhii Kryzhanivskyi welcomed the freshmen, their parents and guests, and assured that the university will do everything possible so the younger generation of students could get a high-quality education to successfully meet the challenges of providing energy security of the country. Rector emphasized that Ukraine has chosen its future, the European vector of the future. We are making the first steps towards European integration of our science and education. We take those steps together with our partners – the leading European universities, friends, in particular, Rector of AGH University of Science and Technology (Polish Akademia Górniczo-Hutnicza im. Stanisława Staszica), Professor Tadeusz Słomka who is present here today. Every year about a hundred of our best students with financial support from the host university have Master Course in Krakow Mining and Metallurgical Academy for getting dual diploma which is internationally recognized and adapted to the European labor market.

A lot of honored guests attended the celebration. Among them there were Head of the Ivano-Frankivsk Regional State Administration Oleh Honcharuk, Head of the Ivano-Frankivsk Regional Council Vasyl Skrypnychuk, Mayor of Ivano-Frankivsk Viktor Anushkevychus, Vice rector of Ivano-Frankivsk Theological Academy Borys Hober and others.

In theatrical performance of matriculation goddess of wisdom, patron of sciences Athena and the god of art and secret knowledge Apollo, arrived from Olympus and entrusted the Key of Knowledge to the Rector Yevstakhii Kryzhanivskyi and first-year students Anastasia Trubenko and Bohdan Karpinskyi. Queen of Oil had come accompanied by honor guard and brought a cup of oil for oil ceremonial initiation ritual. It is a symbolic oath of allegiance to their chosen profession. After the matriculation, the students have become real oilfield workers. Later, Athena, Apollo, Queen of Oil and oilfield workers inflamed the Fire of Knowledge – the symbol of human wisdom.
Theatrical matriculation was accompanied by numerous performances of professional and amateur artists.  The matriculation ceremony of first-year students was held by the speakers: Associate Professor of the Department of History and Political Science Natalia Kontsur and student of the Institute of Ecology and Geological Engineering, chief of Student Government Mykola Hlodoviuk.



Почесні гостіВідбувається підняття державного прапору УкраїниЗвучить державний гімн України.Присягу першокурсників проводить голова Студентського парламенту Микола Глодов'юк.З урочистим привітанням до першокурсників звернувся ректор, академік академії наук України  Євстахій Крижанівський.Вітальне слово ректора Краківської гірничо-металургійної академії ім.Станіслава Сташіца, професора Тадеуша Сломки.Європейські дипломи випускникам вручено.Музичне вітання для випускників  Соломії Жекало.Директор Центру культури університету Заслужений працівник культури України Володимир Литвиненко вболіває за ходом дійства.Виступ Олега Гончарука - голови Івано-Франківської ОДАВиступ Василя Скрипничука - голови Івано-Франківської обласної ради. Музичне вітання Володимира Фаля - студента Інституту нафтогазової інженерії.Зі словами благословення до студентів та гостей звернувся віце-ректор Івано-Франківської теологічної академії отець Борис Гобер.Молитва - у виконанні інженера Інформаційно-обчислювального центру університету Андрія Галавая.Виступ Віктора Анушкевичуса- міського голови міста Івано-Франківська.Вітальне слово  Ігоря Прокопіва - президента ПАТ Укртрансгаз.Виступає Лукаш Свозіл - генеральний директор МНД Україна.Співають студенти коледжу електронних приладів Іван Криховецький, Юрій Багрій, Руслан Гава.Співає студент із Анголи Томаш Дельфіну Мануел.З  далекого Олімпу на свято прибули  богиня мудрості Афіна та бог мистецтв Аполлон.Танець Сіртакі.Першокурсників вітають Афіна та Аполлон.Подарунок від Аполлона - вальс. Дарунок Афіни Ключ Знань приймає ректор Євстахій Крижанівський та студенти-першокурсники.Перепусткою до студентського життя є Студентський Квиток. (2)На  свято завітала Королева Нафти в супроводі почесної варти.Проводиться посвята нафтою- це символічна клятва на вірність обраній професії.Ректор Євстахій Крижанівський посвячує нафтою першокурсників університету....Потемніла долоня - та не чорна, ніби золотом сяє вона...Музичне вітання першокурсниці Олесі Заячківської.Подарунок від Королеви Нафти - Блюз Сонця що Сходить у виконанні студентів Володимира Пасєки та Андрія Чепіля.Марш курсантів кафедри військової підготовки.Марш курсантів кафедри військової підготовки.Учасників свята прийшов привітати Івано-Франківський Національний академічний ансамбль пісні і танцю Гуцулія.Фінальна сцена. Завершення Посвяти першокурсників у студенти - 2015. Гімн Ще не вмерла Україна.








