Information day «Peculiarities of the educational and scientific cooperation projects Erasmus+ and Horizon 2020»

On December 9, 2014 an information day «Peculiarities of the educational and scientific cooperation projects Erasmus+ and Horizon 2020» was held in Ivano-Frankivsk National Technical University of Oil and Gas. The event was carried out on the basis of National Contact Point "Safe, clean and efficient power engineering" and the Department of International Relations of IFNTUOG. 

The event aimed at informing the scientists, teachers, postgraduates and doctoral candidates of the university about the opportunities for realizing their scientific potential within a framework of international EU-sponsored projects. 

The event began with a welcoming speech by the Vice-rector for research and international affairs Oleh Karpash, who introduced the participants. Among them there were: the coordinator of the National Contact Point "Horizon 2020" "Information and communication technologies" Ivan Kulchytskyi (Lviv), delegation of Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University - the coordinator of NCP "Horizon 2020" "Nanotechnologies, modern materials, and advanced industrial productions" Volodymyr Kotsiubynskyi and Manager of international programes implemented in PNU Liubomyr Nykyrui. International activities of IFNTUOG were represented by the coordinator of National Contact Point "Horizon 2020" "Safe, clean and efficient power engineering" Maksym Karpash and head of the international relations sector of IFNTUOG Liubov Ziniuk. 

The information day was held in the format of seminar divided into two parts: the first was dedicated to the scientific cooperation, and the second - the development of potential in the field of higher education. Ivan Kulchytskyi told about the peculiarities of participation in the projects of the "Horizon 2020" program. The representatives of the Vasyl Stefanyk PNU shared their experiences of participation in the internarional projects. Liubov Ziniuk infromed the participants of the event of the Erasmus+ projects, and Maksym Karpash presented the projects which are already being implemented in IFNTUOG.   

More information on the Erasmus+ program here:

More information on the Horizon 2020 program here:

Liubomyr Nykyrui has the floor Volodymyr Kotsiubynskyi tells about the activities of the National Contact Point «Horizon 2020» "Nanotechnologies, modern materials, and advanced industrial productions" The Head of the International Relations Department Artur Voronych welcomes the participants The coordinator of National Contact Point "Horizon 2020" "Safe, clean and efficient power engineering" Maksym Karpash presents the projects implemented by IFNTUOG Vice-rector for Research and International Affairs Oleh Karpash welcomes the participants of the event the coordinator of the National Contact Point "Horizon 2020" "Information and communication technologies" Ivan Kulchytskyi has the floor   
