Coordination meeting at the University of Coventry (Great Britain) within the framework of the project SpinOff

In the period from March, 24 to March, 27 2015 the 6th coordination meeting within the framework of the project Tempus «Supporting innovations through the improved legislation in the sphere of higher education in Ukraine" 530158-TEMPUS-1-2012-1-SE- TEMPUS-SMHES was held at the premises of the University of Coventry (UK). The project is being implemented by a consortium of universities led by the University of Lund (Sweden), which also includes 3 other universities from Poland, the UK, Portugal and 5 Ukrainian universities, Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine and 3 non-academic Ukrainian partners.

The Director of the Institute of Oil and Gas Power Engineering and Ecology, Professor M. Karpash presented the achievements of IFNTUOG on this project, as well as information on the selected 4 University technologies, adapted for commercialization which will be presented to the foreign partners for evaluation. Mr. Karpash paid special attention to the unregulated issue of patent protection and property rights for scientific and technical developments, made by the scientists of Ukrainian universities. The next report from the IFNTUOG was presented by the Director of Oil&Gas Sci-Tech Park, Associate Professor N. Tatsakovych and Associate Professor A. Yavorskyi. This report presented the concept of university consulting platform, which is focused on the development of favorable conditions for scientific and technological innovation in IFNTUOG and appropriate technology transfer. 

Also during the meeting a preliminary action plan for the next six months was identified, the details of the business ideas competition to be held in April 2015 were discussed etc. 
