On September 17-19 the 1st International Scientific and Practical Web-Conference of Young Scientists and Students "Equipment and Advanced Technologies in Oil and Gas Engineering - 2018" was held in IFNTUOG. The event was held on the initiative of the chairman of the Young Scientists Council of the University, Associate Professor of the Oil and Gas Production Department, B. Mishchuk and with the assistance of the Vice-rector for Research Professor I. Chudyk.
Main directions of the conference:
- resource saving in the oil and gas industry;
- geological problems of oil and gas production;
- environmental problems of oil and gas production;
- problems of modernization of oil and gas equipment.
Teachers, post-graduate students and students of IFNTUOG, as well as scientists, from the Poltava National Technical University, specialists of JSC "Ukrhazvydobuvannia" (Kyiv) and the state enterprise "Ivano-Frankivsk standard metrology" attended the event. In general, there were about fifty participants, who discussed the topical issues, in particular, the rational use of natural resources, environmental pollution caused by oil and gas extraction, the search for efficient and environmentally safe ways of developing natural resources deposits, the prospects for using modern energy saving devices and equipment for the operation of wells. They also touched upon issues of searching for ways to clean the contaminated environment from petroleum products, monitoring and protecting the environment in oil and gas producing areas.
The conference participants also had an opportunity to ask questions and to discuss the conference materials on the forum.
According to the results of 1st International Scientific and Practical Web-Conference of Young Scientists and Students "Equipment and Advanced Technologies in Oil and Gas Engineering - 2018" a collection of abstracts and certificates of participants of the event will be issued.