Ivano-Frankivsk National Technical University of Oil and Gas
ECOGEOFORUM-2017. Actual Problems and Innovations
We are pleased to invite you to the International Research and Practice Conference «ECOGEOFORUM-2017. Actual Problems and Innovations» To the 50-th anniversary of Ivano-Frankivsk National Technical University of Oil and Gas,which will take place on 22 - 25 March 2017 in Ivano-Frankivsk
Chairman of the Organizing Committee,
Rector of Ivano-Frankivsk National
Technical University of Oil and Gas,
academician Kryzhanivskyi Ye.I.
Guidelines of the conference
- Ecology and balanced use of resources
- Technologies of environmental protection
- Issues of technogenic safety in oil and gas complex
- Rational use, restoration and protection of land resources
- Materials for renewable energy sources
- Geoinformation technologies and environmental monitoring
- Geodesy, GNSS – technologies and geodetic control
- Education in the context of sustainable development concept
- Environmental issues of tourism sustainable development
Conference events
- Plenary session, workshops, poster presentations
- Exhibition and presentation of instruments, developments and ideas
- Excursion program
Conference organizers
Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine
National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources of Ukraine
Ivano-Frankivsk National Technical University of Oil and Gas
Ivano-Frankivsk Regional Council
Ivano-Frankivsk Regional State Administration
Organizing Committee
Organizing Committee of the Conference
Kryzhanivskyi Ye.I., IFNTUOG Rector, member of NASU, Professor – Chairman of the Organizing Committee;
Mazur M.P., Director of IFNTUOG Institute of Environmental Engineering – Deputy Chairman;
Polutrenko M.S., Head of IFNTUOG Department of Chemistry, Professor – Academic Secretary of the Conference;
Members of Organizing Committee: Karpash O.M., Mandryk O.M., Adamenko O.M., Adamenko Ya.O., Arkhypova L.M., Burak K.О., Halushchak М.О., Kuzmenko Е.D., Poberezhnyi L.Ya., Prykhodko М.М., Semchuk Ya.M., Shkitsa L.Ye.
Program Committee
Hasymov Riiafet (Ukraine)
Honcharuk Oleh (Ukraine)
Hrushchynskyi Stanislav (Poland)
Kimakovych Viktor (Ukraine)
Kiriiak Vasile (Moldova)
Kotarba Matsei (Poland)
Lipetskyi Tomash (Poland)
Matushkevych Yatsek (Poland)
Moroz Oleksandr (Ukraine)
Motuzka Oleksandr (Belarus)
Nesterenko Henadii (Ukraine)
Neshte Alla (Ukraine)
Rudko Heorhii (Ukraine)
Sych Oleksandr (Ukraine)
Stepanenko Oleksandr (Ukraine)
Tymochko Tetiana (Ukraine)
Trevoho Ihor (Ukraine)
Tretiak Kornelii (Ukraine)
Trofymchuk Oleksandr (Ukraine)
Tsishevskyi Darius (Poland)
Chernetskyi Volodymyr (Ukraine)
Shapar Arkadii (Ukraine)
Yakymchuk Mykhailo (Ukraine)
Yakovlev Yevgenii (Ukraine)
Yatskiv Yaroslav (Ukraine)
Arrangement fee
Arrangement fee: 300 UAH – participation in presence; 100 UAH – participation in absence.
At their will conference participants may present full text reports for publication in professional editions (for additional fee) www.nung.edu.ua/professional editions
The arrangement fee covers: one set of conference materials, organization costs. The arrangement fee for participation in absence covers publication of theses in conference information package. Accommodation of conference participants and excursion program are paid on a separate basis.
Please contact the organizing committee for more detailed information as for terms for young scientists and state sector representatives.
* - financial terms may change
Banking details:
For Participant:
Beneficiary Name: Ivano-Frankivsk National Technical University of Oil and Gas
EDRPOU 02070855
Beneficiary Bank: State Treasury Service of Ukraine,
MFO 820172
Current Account 31259290204276
Taxpayer Certificate 12872203
Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN) 020708509155
In the payment details next information must be indicated:
“Ecogeoforum-2017”, Participant name and surname
For sponsors:
Beneficiary Name: Charity organization “My University”
EDRPOU 38713155
MFO 336677
Beneficiary Bank: PrivatBank, Ivano-Frankivsk Branch
Current Account 26008052510358
Payment destination: voluntary donation (or non-repayable financial assistance) from _____________ (organization name)
In the payment details next information must be indicated:
Conference “Ecogeoforum-2017”
Be sure to email a scanned copy of a payment ecogeoforum@nung.edu.ua.
Key dates
Submission of application, theses and articles - until 28/02/2017
Participation fee payment - until 10/03/2017
Requirements for materials presentation
Conference languages: Ukrainian, English.The recommended size of theses with illustrations is up to 2 pages. The manuscript is signed by the author (co-authors).
The text is typed in Microsoft Word on А4 page format (210х297 mm), margins (mm): top – 20, foot – 25, internal – 30, external – 15.
BODY TEXT is typed in the following way: style “normal”, Times New Roman (Сyr) type, size 11, paragraph – 7.5 mm, line interval 0.85.
Typing order:
UDC (Times New Roman (Сyr), size 11, no paragraph, left alignment). Article title (Arial (Сyr), size 14, bold, in capital letters, no paragraph, center alignment, spaces after and before – 9 pt). Initials, last name of the author (co-authors) (Times New Roman (Сyr), size 11, bold italic, no paragraph, center alignment). Organization name, its full postal address, e-mail address (Times New Roman (Сyr), size 11, italic, no paragraph, center alignment, space after – 12 pt).
Spacing for the text is not used, except for the article subsections (subsections, subparagraphs are marked with spaces “before” – 9, “after” – 6).
FORMULAE are typed with Equation 3.0, integrated in Microsoft Office (by object pasting). Style: Text – Times New Roman (Сyr), Function – Times New Roman (Сyr), italic, Variable – Times New Roman (Сyr), italic, L.G.Greek – Symbol, italic, Symbol – Symbol, italic, Matryx/Vector – Times New Roman (Сyr), Number – Times New Roman (Сyr). Font sizes: Full – 11, Subscript/Superscript –8, Sub-Subscript/Superscript – 8, Symbol – 14, Sub-Symbol –10. For visualization it is recommended to spaces before and after - 6 pt. The formulae shall be arranged to be within 80 mm line.
TABLES shall be arranged in a brief and clear manner. Table title: Times New Roman (Сyr), size 11, bold, no paragraph, center alignment, spaces after and before - 6 pt. The tables shall be arranged to be within 80 mm or 165 mm line.
ILLUSTRATIONS shall be presented in bit map (BMP, TIF, JPG…) and attached as a separate file. It is not allowed to use graphics editor MS WORD! Illustrations like photos shall be scanned with resolution not less than 400 dpi or shall be attached in original. Illustration caption: Times New Roman (Сyr), size 10, bold, no paragraph, center alignment. Inscriptions on illustrations shall be done in Arial
Literary sources used by the author, are presented as a general list at the end.
See reference for article publication requirements:: http://www.nung.edu.ua/фахові-видання
Registration form (in development)
Information for sponsors
Dear colleagues!
On March, 22-25, 2017 the international research and practice conference “ECOGEOFORUM-2017. Actual problems and innovations” ; will be held in Ivano-Frankivsk National Technical University of Oil and Gas dedicated to the 50th anniversary of the University. The conference will be attended by Ukrainian and foreign scientists as well as organizations and institutions.
We invite you to take part and to provide sponsoring for conferencing.
Your sponsorship participation will be marked in the conference materials and information space.
We hope that your participation in the conference will be useful and open for you new opportunities and prospects.
Director of EII (Ecological Engineering Institute),
Deputy Chairman of the organization committee Myroslav Mazyr
Bank Requisites (Bank Details)
Beneficiary Name: Charity organization “My University”
EDRPOU 38713155 ;
MFO 336677
Beneficiary Bank: PrivatBank, Ivano-Frankivsk Branch
Current Account 26008052510358
Payment destination: voluntary donation (or non-repayable financial assistance) from _____________ (organization name).
In the payment details next information must be indicated: Conference “Ecogeoforum-2017” Be sure to email a scanned copy of a payment ecogeoforum@nung.edu.ua.
Conference location: Ivano-Frankivsk National Technical University of Oil and Gas.
Organizing Committee address: Institute of Environmental Engineering. Ivano-Frankivsk National Technical University of Oil and Gas, 15 Karpatska Street, Ivano-Frankivsk, Ukraine, 76019
Tel.: (+38 0342) 72-71-86,
mob.tel. +380679919735 (Myroslav Mazur)
+380990754740 (Myroslava Polutrenko)
Fax: (+38 0342) 54-71-39
E-mail: ecogeoforum@nung.edu.ua
Conference website: www.nung.edu.ua/en/ecogeoforum2017