1. General Information


Department of Registration and Migration Services does the following:

-  introduces international students with the official documents concerning study and residence of foreign citizens in Ukraine;

-  prepares necessary documents for international students to receive the temporary residence permit at the State Migration Service of Ukraine in Ivano-Frankivsk region;

-  controls movement of international students (in case of transfer to other educational institutions) and timely re-registration at the State Migration Service of Ukraine according to    the law;

-  informs the government services about an international student change of status;

-  prevents violations by international students in the field of migration law of Ukraine;

-  coordinates issues with settlement and living of international students in the hostel;

-  implements activities and solves issues about international students social adaptation;

-  assists in organizing medical check-up for international students at policlinic department № 2, Ivano-Frankivsk city;

-  informs about the necessity of medical insurance policy;

-  solves current social issues of international students, monitor compliance with the Residence Regulations in student hostels of IFNTUOG;

-  assists in participation of international students  in students’ hobby groups, societies, sport teams, etc.

