History of the department


Independent existence the Department of  Manufacturing Engineering started in 1963, when on the basis of Ivano-Frankivsk general technical department of the Lviv Polytechnic Institute was established a branch of the Lviv Polytechnic Institute. Then the department worked 8 teachers, among them only one had a degree (Prof.. Zykov). In 1967 the branch was renamed to Ivano-Frankivsk Oil and Gas Institute, and Department of Manufacturing Engineering is divided into two departments: manufacturing engineering and metal technology and metallurgy.

In 1974 the department was headed by docent Milevsky. Since then, the department began to intensively replenish teachers with academic degrees and titles. At the department began postgraduate training (1976). Today was the first graduate student docent Smaglyuk A. Since 1982, the department was headed by Yuri Buhay, and since 1986 - Yuri Petrina.

In 1982, based on plant "Karpatpresmash" set up the first branch of the department in the workplace. The second branch of the department was created in 1992 based on plant "Promprylad". In 2002 began to operate two more branches at the bases of "Drogobychskiy drill bit plant" and "Drogobychskiy Machine Works."

Trained nearly 4350 specialists for the national economy, 318 of them received diplomas with honors.

At the department prepared three Doctor of Science (Buhay, Petrina, Yakym) and 20 PhD.

In 2001, the Department of Manufacturing Engineering has been divided into two: Manufacturing Engineering of Oil and Gas Equipment and Computerized Manufacturing Engineering.
