Representatives of IFNTUOG participate in Ukrainian-Romanian forum on cross-border cooperation

Representatives of the Ivano-Frankivsk National Technical University of Oil and Gas took part in Ukrainian-Romanian forum on cross-border cooperation which was held in the “Nadiia” hotel on November 27, 2015.

The forum was attended by Consul General of Romania in Chernivtsi Eleonora Moldovan and  First Deputy Head of Regional State Administration Serhii Basarab.

The event was aimed at enhancing bilateral cooperation in various spheres of life. The experience in implementing the joint operational program "Romania - Ukraine - Republic of Moldova 2007-2013" was presented at the forum, the issues of railway traffic between Romania and Ukraine resumption as well as cooperation between universities of both countries, exchange of experience in terms of emergency response, effective forest economy were discussed.

Also the participants of the forum discussed mechanisms of raising funds for regional development, the role of public-private partnerships in the community, aspects of economic integration in the European Union.

Experts of the Cross Border Cooperation Programme Committee presented the peculiarities of the new program "Romania - Ukraine - 2014-2020", which will be launched in 2016.

The Forum was attended by the representatives of IFNTUOG among which there were: Head of International Relations Department Artur Voronych, Head of the Department of Ecology Yaroslav Adamenko, Head of Engineering and Computer Graphics Department Lesia Shkitsa, Head of Computer Engineering Machinery Production Vitalii Panchuk, Head of Land Management and Cadastre Department Mykola Prykhodko and Director of the Institute of Environmental Engineering Myroslav Mazur, who presented the IFNTUOG’s experience of participation in programs of cross-border cooperation Ukraine-Romania, Horizon 2020 and Erasmus +.


Перший заступник голови обласної державної адміністрації Сергій Басараб та Генеральний консул Румунії в Чернівцях Елеонора Молдован 