IFNTUOG signs Cooperation Agreement with Oil and Gas Scientific Research Project Institute, SOCAR, Baku, Azerbaijan

On September, 10 the meeting of the Directors of Institutes, Heads of Departments, scientists, and representatives Oil and Gas Scientific Research Project Institute “NaftoHaz”, SOCAR from Azerbaijan was held in the Rector’s office. Azerbaijanian party was represented by the scientific secretary of the Institute Vugar Jamil Abdullayev and Assistant Director of the Institute Telman Alirzayev. The guests spoke about their scientific research project establishment as a structural unit of a powerful state oil company SOCAR, its scientific, industrial achievements, long-standing traditions and perspectives.

Administration of the Institute, and its Director F. Ismailov are interested in cooperation with our university, so Azerbaijanian party drafted the "Agreement on cooperation" between their Institute and IFNTUOG. Scientific secretary of the Institute Mr. Abdullayev presented the draft agreement to the audience which includes the following:

   ■ exchange of scientific and technical information, educational and methodical literature, conducting joint training and technical and educational conferences;

   ■ exchanging experience and information on training highly qualified specialists, postgraduates, and retraining of those;

   ■ exchange of teaching staff and academic staff;

   ■ inviting students, faculty, researchers and specialists to conferences, workshops, scientific symposia;

   ■ mutual practical training of students at the universities;

   ■ training students on a contractual basis, joint training of scientific personnel through post-graduate and doctoral studies on a contractual basis;

   ■ mutual training of the teaching staff and researchers;

   ■ exchange of experience in the sphere of information technologies, research and development activities and improving the quality of the educational process;

   ■ working on joint research and educational innovation programs, both bilateral and within international programs;

   ■ joint publication of papers, monographs, textbooks, books, manuals;

   ■ reviewing bilateral scientific and educational papers;

   ■ implementation of joint research, exchange of scientific and methodological information and the results of published studies.

Mr. Abdullayev answered a number of questions considering some points of agreement and after that the Agreement on cooperation between IFNTUOG and Oil and Gas Scientific Research Project Institute “NaftoHaz”, SOCAR, Azerbaijan was signed. 

Директор Інституту нафтогазової інженерії Витязь О. Ю Вчений секретар науково-дослідницького проектного інституту (НДПІ) “НафтоГаз” SOCAR Абдуллаєв Вугар Джаміль огли.   Помічник директора науково-дослідницького проектного інституту (НДПІ) “НафтоГаз” SOCAR Телман Алірзаєв    Ректор університету професор Крижанівський Є.І. та вчений секретар науково-дослідницького проектного інституту (НДПІ) “НафтоГаз” SOCAR Абдуллаєв Вугар Джаміль огли підписують Угоду про співпрацю.  
